This book, The Bee Tree, is an old friend now. We spent a little bit longer on it because Elijah and his dad went on a special father-son vacation last week for four days. Rather than moving on with my schedule, I decided to stop and finish The Bee Tree; we are SO glad we did.
We learned about so much ~ The Klondike Goldrush in the Yukon, Michigan, hospitality, hexagons, onomatopoeia, and of course, bees! We skipped our handwriting workbook since Elijah did so much writing in his lapbook (the "Bugs" book had quite a bit and he did SO wonderful!).
I have to add in that we were *suppose* to make a notebook with this book. I had all the notebooking pages pre-made, but Elijah was devestated that we weren’t going to do a lapbook, so we turned a few of the notebooking pages into minit books (it can be done easily!). Then I worked hard one night preparing a few fun things (like the hospitality house and honey bear pull tab) for him. I think we are becoming lapbooking junkies! This is the first time we’ve ever had to add another folder– how exciting! Here are the notebooking pages and lapbook templates.
Our grand finale today was the baking powder biscuits with orange honey butter (YUM) found in Becky Jane’s Five in a Row Cookbook. It’s been a wonderful 1.5 weeks.
Lapbooking junkies!!! Well, it's not a terrible thing to be hooked on if you've got to be hooked on something! 🙂
Great job— again!
Great job! Looks like y'all had lots of fun!
Great Job!
As a first timer, you really help make this a fun time.
Since this is my first time with lap booking, you really help make it easy and fun.