One day a few weeks ago Simon started buzzing about Ancient Egypt — question after question. That afternoon I had him help me gather a pile of books (from our shelves) and we started our Ancient Egypt adventure. It continued over the next few days as we read through the stack. That was it. No crafts, no movies, no lapbook or outing to the museum's archaeology display. Just books.
Is That What a Delight Directed Study Looks Like?
Yes. And no.
It looks like taking a trip–grabbing a map, deciding on a route, and driving. Sometimes we take a left turn even though our original intentions were to go straight. Once in awhile we arrive at our destination, but other times we find an unexpected stop or a new landing-place. Sometimes there is no route; we just go. And sometimes we go by plane. Other times we jump a train, ride a boat, or even bumpity-bump-bump along on a camel.
Delight directed studies are vast and varied. They may look like any of these:
- a few days reading through a stack of books about Ancient Egypt
- heaps of digging, searching, and finding–immersed for a month in extinct animals
- a one hour math project inspired by a calculator
- researching microscopic life at the library and completing notebook pages
- studying England for one month . . . cooking, designing a tri-fold board, building, notebooking
- several weeks reading every Andrew Lang fairy tale ever written . . . then reading them again
- finding dad's snap circuit kit and building a working radio
- learning how to use Power Point while studying owls and preparing a slide show
- creating a new LEGO game
- taking a week to create a Bears lapbook
- a series of science experiments and logging hypotheses and results in a journal
It looks different. Every time.
Do You Plan Ahead?
Sometimes our studies are spontaneous cricket-in-the-classroom moments. Other times the topics are mapped out in advance.
Simon (my five-year-old) has amazing insights and loves to work his science journal, but he also asks me to prepare studies for him. My main goal with my younger student is to answer his questions and grow his curiosity.
Elijah (my ten-year-old) has plenty of his own ideas for want he wants to study and what he wants to accomplish within each study. He has lots of delights and his independent learning experiences are rich. Often I give him resources to utilize within his study. Sometimes I poke a little to help him try something new, but I try to let him have the reins as much as possible.
When Do You End a Study?
If I notice interest waning with my young son, we stop the study and move on to another theme, topic, or delight. This isn't the case with my big boy. I encourage him to complete undone projects because it isn't beneficial for a child to form a perpetual pattern of leaving things incomplete. The project may not end up being as grandiose as his original goal, but it will be something to be proud of.
Tomorrow I will share some printables to help you organize: pages to maintain lists of possible future topics and questions needing answered; record keeping forms; and a planning page.
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The 10 Days Series is organized by iHomeschool Network, a collaboration of outstanding homeschool bloggers who connect with each other and with family-friendly companies in mutually beneficial projects. Visit us on Facebook,Pinterest, and Twitter. And of course, click the image below to visit all the 10 Days posts from these homeschool moms of the iHomeschool Network.
This was so helpful for me! I just announced to my 10 year old that she gets to choose the topics for science through the summer, and study it however she wants to (with a little direction from me if she needs it). She loves the idea, and was very excited. She does need a little more motivation though for some reason, she can’t seem to come up with ideas on her own.
I’m so excited about this series. I actually wrote you a nice long email with questions about delight directed study a few months ago and it got bounced back(wrong address) and at the time I just set my thoughts aside (thinking the email probably sounded like a homeschool mom in the desperate February blahs). I’m wondering how you’ve seen this work in larger families? Life with four (one of those, a three year old) already brings enough chaos and split focus, I feel like my PLAN is what gives me a path through the day, when everything else feel a little crazy.
I gave the 9 and 11 year old time pursue their choice of studies on wednesdays for the last two months (so that I can actually take the little ones to story time at the library while the bigger ones do their own thing at the library). But past the first many weeks, these projects have lingered….unfinished….hanging on as something that has to get wrapped up.
I’m looking forward to the rest of the posts!
I’m looking forward to the printables!! You know just how much we love Delight Directed Studies here. It’s interesting you mention learning about England, because my 10 year old daughter has expressed an interest, so right now I’m busy putting together resources for that.
Great post today, Ami!
I love this. This is the sort of thing that we sporadically end up doing here and there but we have a lot of structure here, too. This is awesome.
I love this and strive to be more like this in my teaching. What a great mom you are.