I don’t have the energy or wherewithal to chronical our entire trip, so you’re just getting the
horse and buggy ride
Elijah’s glow when he realized that he was going to get to take John Phillip Duck home
touring Meteor Farm (seeing Patricia’s collection of Pysanky eggs, her samovar just like the one in Thunder Cake, and her goats)
hearing my son say, "Hi! Will you sign this for me, please?"
chatting with Patricia Polacco
my son asking 100 times if he was really going to get a piece of Thunder Cake
watching my tiger-faced son devour his chocolate (topped with a strawberry) treat
seeing Babushka’s Doll (the real one)
meeting Old John Soncrant
finally owning The Butterfly
At the end of the day I was standing in Hensley’s after finding a read-only copy of Lemonade Club…started reading…tears started finding their ways out of both eyes (no matter how hard I tried to keep them in)…there’s just something about Patricia Polacco…she’s such a writer…such a person!
That is just soooo cool! What a neat opportunity! So…what's the Lemonade book about?? š
It's about a little girl who has cancer…but that's all I'm going to tell you. š I don't want to ruin it…I can never summarize her books very well; they are must-reads! š
You can read a good description at amazon (that doesn't give much of the story away).