"Come along inside…
We’ll see if tea and buns
can make the world a better place."
-The Wind in the Willows
And, so…we’ve decided to try it for ourselves. To have some tea and buns each day and to see if it makes our world a better place (we are quite certain that it will!). I haven’t decided when our big debut will be, but I am busy getting things ready.
So far, I’ve decided..
1. Tea time will be at 3 o’clock in the afternoon.
2. It will be a time to listen to music.
3. It will be a time to read poetry.
4. It will be a time to learn manners.
I’ve compiled some "tea" recipes that I want to share. These are from various blogs, recipe websites, tea websites, and children’s websites. I altered many of them (de-spiced them, you may say), so that they will be more palatable for children.
Stay tuned for a file with easy tea snacks…that’s my next venture. Until then…
I’m editing (9/7/07) to add this file of Autumn Tea Treats. I am so sorry that they aren’t necessarily easy, but you may want to give them a try anyway!
Tag Rules:
1.) The player starts with 8 random facts about herself.
2.) The person that has been tagged must post on her own blog, her answers and post the rules first.
3.) Then the player must pick 8 people and tag them and also leave them a note on message that lets them know, that you tagged them. You can write who tagged you on your blog also.
Well I had to award this to you, even though I know you already have it! You can read about it on my blog!
Looks like some yummy tea times are ahead!
Our past few days have went much better!