What do I know? Our camera was only mostly dead. So, we took it to Miracle Max, gave it a chocolate coated pill, and poof- it’s back among the land of the living (mostly living that is). It isn’t doing great, but it’s better than no camera at all. The poor mostly alive camera was dropped on a nature walk this week (the offender is not the same person, but will still remain unnamed).
So, I took about 50 pictures today of lapbooks that you haven’t seen. No, I don’t plan on posting them all, but here is what we finished up this week. Elijah knows so much about bats. I’m not sure why he requested to learn about bats. Maybe he meant he wanted to take a week to teach ME about bats (because that is, indeed, what happened).
We just loved the little bat with moveable wings! It was from an Evan Moor Theme Pockets (October).
This was a fun little accordion flip-flap. I have to post it so my lapbook making friend, Wende, can see it. We should make templates for this one, Wende! 🙂
Here it is opened:
Since this was a complete literature based unit on Stellaluna (and not just bats), we also learned bits about birds and did some bird math.
Open the side and this is what you get. I don’t like putting extentions at the tops and bottoms of lapbooks. Putting them so they open to the side makes them easier for little hands to manipulate.
Here is the same shot zoomed in a little better (without the side stuff).
Bat Anatomy!
Lift the flaps to reveal the body part names and descriptions.
Predator and Prey books opened.
Various minit books opened.
I can’t believe I took over 50 pictures today and didn’t take a picture of Elijah’s bat drawing and copywork. Well, I will have to do that and get it uploaded….before the camera is really dead.
I love your bat lapbook. Could you direct me to the publisher or where I could get the various projects shown for this lapbook.
Thank you!
Almost everything in the lapbook is in a free download at Homeschool Share!Â