I've been rolling this thought around in my head for a few years, ever since a wise friend spoke it to me.
More is a burden.
We are told: Bigger. Better. More stuff. Multiple options. Many variations. Yes!
But no.
That is not how I want to live. It's complicates while I want to simplify.
Today I am waging a war on MORE.
I am thinking about less: less stuff and fewer options. I am working to implement these ideas in my home.
We've pared down our shoes (3-4 pairs per person) and clothes over the past year. It has been freeing.
I had to make room for another set of bunk beds and, in the process, about 300 books had to find new homes. This was hard for me, but I notice that now the better books are read more often. A similar trend happened when I got rid of games and puzzles that weren't played with frequently.
I'm starting to adopt this philosophy for other areas, too, beyond shoes, clothes, and stuff. More on that next week.
Do you think more is a burden? Have you simplified by choosing less?
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Yes, more is a burden! With so many children at my house (#8 comes this summer, oldest is 11) even just a few things for each person multiplies dramatically. For example, picture 5 stuffed animals. When you multiply it by 7 that is 35 stuffed animals taking up space. Clothing truly could swamp the house if we didn’t keep a minimum available.
When looking at something new to us it has to have a home before it comes in the house, which usually means passing along something else first.
We keep kid clutter to a minimum by giving each a small container for their ‘treasures/junk’. It has a lid and if they can’t close the lid it is time to go through things and get rid of items.
I couldn’t agree more. Spring break is this week at our home (and for the college in our city) and it is a time for us to “sure” things up and declutter. My list is long and daunting right now, but one by one its gonna get done. =0) It always makes me feel better to simplify our “stuff” and give it a new home.
I’ve really enjoyed these posts. Love the little poster reminders and I think you are absolutely right. Thanks for sharing
Yes, I recently did this with my crafting/scrapbook supplies. Still not finished but I am realizing that less is so much better.
Absolutely!! I couldn’t agree more! It’s only been a couple years since I’ve realized this and I’m still in the process of purging and getting rid of stuff!!
Having a lot of stuff is just very overwhelming for me; it really can control your life. Finding a place for this, a place for that, picking up this, cleaning that. There is lots of maintaining when you have too much stuff!! I don’t have time for that!
I go through this every year with my mother-in-law at Christmas. Christmas is very overwhelming for me with my in-laws. They are all about buying the kids (and I have 7) STUFF! I tell her not to but she still does. It would stress me out because I would then have to come home and find a place for all that STUFF. The last couple years, I have donated their gifts or sold them in consignment sales.
It is incredibly freeing to get rid of stuff you don’t use or need. I can’t wait to finally be done going through the house and cleaning out.
I’ve also learned to really think before buying stuff; do we really need this; what purpose will it serve; how long will it be used for.
Thanks for sharing this; I’m going to share it on my FB page.
I read a good book last year called Living With Less So Your Family Has More by Jill Savage. Great book.