Have nothing in your houses that you do not know
to be useful or believe to be beautiful. Such truth.
Today I'm:
1. Searching my home; looking for what is useful and what is beautiful and saying farewell to items that do not fit these categories.
2. Working to make this a simple place, and I will not bring in more stuff, unless it is absolutely necessary or amazingly beautiful.
3. Fighting against the culture of more, believing that my family already has everything we truly need.
How are you simplifying today?
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Perfect guidelines. I am inspired. We have a small home so I need to challenge myself to clear the rooms and the air. It is so much easier to clean when there is not piles of stuff around as well. All the best Ami. Blessings, Renelle
LOVE this and am sending it to my husband right now. This is definitely the philosophy we need to adopt!!
Hi, I want to live like this but the other 3 residents of my home ( my husband and children) are clutterbugs. It is such a good philosophy and would definitely free up some storage for the things we do need. Husband is going to have a ‘chat’ this evening but nicely!lol.
This is huge for me. I know that we could get rid of so much around here. I am making this my mission. Thanks for the reminder. š
Thanks so much for the encouragement to be content and free our lives of those things that create more stressing than blessing.