Have nothing in your houses that you do not know
to be useful or believe to be beautiful. Such truth.
Today I'm:
1. Searching my home; looking for what is useful and what is beautiful and saying farewell to items that do not fit these categories.
2. Working to make this a simple place, and I will not bring in more stuff, unless it is absolutely necessary or amazingly beautiful.
3. Fighting against the culture of more, believing that my family already has everything we truly need.
How are you simplifying today?
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Hi Ami,
Could you please explain in more detail what you are doing? I read about the shoes and clothes, but I’m pretty sure you used to be a couponer (and I currently am) and I would be helped to know your “before” thoughts and your “current” thoughts.
Thank you,
Hi Michele,
I no longer coupon. I buy food in bulk. Simple, whole foods: dried beans, oats, wheat, rice, etc. I stock my freezer with locally raised chicken and beef, frozen veggies and fruits. I buy fresh produce in bulk when I can (carrots, potatoes, apples), and we eat a ton of bananas, too. I have to remind myself that simple doesn’t necessarily = easy. I’ve tried to find a balance between feeding my family with wholesome foods and not being a kitchen slave and not spending a small fortune on food.
Let me know if you have any other specific questions. š