We’ve done at least four different activities so far from Family Math for Young Children, and we LOVE it! Simon says, "Mom, let’s do one of my math games!"
We chose "Copy-Cats" to do on Tuesday. It is a simple activity that promotes spacial reasoning and gets children thinking about symmetry (and no, you don’t have to use that word!).
You need sets of identical items (buttons, beans, shapes, pasta, etc.), glue, and a piece of paper folded in half.
Simon picked an item and put in on the paper, and then I mirrored what he did.
He picked another item, and I mirrored it again. After about 5-6 times, I picked an item and had him mirror it.
He loved everything about this: picking the item, deciding where to place the item, gluing it on, and spending time with mom! Here is our finished copy-cat picture.
I love Family Math for Young Children! The only thing I don’t like about it is trying to run around the house and grab the supplies I need to do an activity. To solve this problem, I gathered most of the supplies needed for the activities and put them all in one box. When Simon wants to play a math game, I can just flip through the book, grab the supplies I need, and go. Easy, educational, and fun!
Thanks for the recommendation! I just put it on my wish list. I need to do that project, sounds great! I agree, assembling materials is a major obstacle for me, having it in one place helps SO much!
i did this project yesterday with my 3.75 yo boy and 6 year old girl. it was a hit! boy got thru 5 mirrors before moving on, but girl did many steps including layered pieces. this was fun and satisfying as it made me feel like we were still doing “learning time” but having fun too! thanks for posting
FUN!!! Thanks for the idea can’t wait to do it with my son!
Hi J.
Jen B here from Special Needs Homeschool on fb. I had time today to steal some of your links to posts! LOL
I added a couple of links to the sensory post and I added your link to the General Homeschool Resources page. I love what you’re doing here. You’re family is very creative! My guys were never sensory fans or hands-on because they are sensory avoiders. I can’t blame them, I am too! LOL Thanks for the great info! 😀
Oh, and the Lego Unit Study and Lapbook to the Lego activity post. 😀
Hehe this mirror activity is such a cute activity! Even better, it helps to boost up your child’s self-confidence because he is the leader in the activity!