Here is another example of process art. This idea is adpated from MaryAnn Kohl's fabulous Preschool Art book.
This project is a little messy, but so enjoyable to create! My little artist was very serious about this one. He may look unhappy in some of the photos, but he is just concentrating!
Set-up: Put a large piece of paper on an even larger cookie sheet and set up cups with diluted tempera paint. Add a spoon to each cup. Keep a wet rag handy for any accidental spills!
Let your child drip, drip, drop, drip paint all over the paper. Keep dripping and keep dropping!
The next part includes tilting the pan! Twist the cookie sheet all around so the paint can RUN AWAY! Simon also wanted to blow on some of the paint. Totally acceptable. This is process art.
So beautiful! Amazing process; amazing art; amazing artist!
Simon loved this. I think any little person (or big!) would.
Looking for more process art inspiration?
Follow my Process Art for Preschool Pinterest Board!
This is really neat! We did something similar, but different when we dropped paint down a piece of paper and let it run (Pictured Rocks Inspired Art on the blog) but what I like about this is that the paint runs in all different directions! How cool is that! Great process, but also amazing product!
I had never thought to use a cookie sheet to make it manageable! I’m so glad you posted about this, I might try this next week with my preschoolers!
Very cool results. And each time the result would be different. I really like this idea.
That is a cute project! I enjoy your blog and I am passing on the “One Lovely Blog Award” to you. Thanks for sharing all of your ideas.
I’ve done something similar but put marbles down to roll through the paint…a fun twist to what you did…