When I was a preschooler, my mom subscribed to the Dr. Seuss reading club. Once a month a new book came for me, and one month it was Marvin K. Mooney. I was obsessed with this book. I loved the words. I loved to read them over and over again.
I know I am taking these beloved words out of context a little, but I would like to borrow a few phrases from the book and implore you field trip with your kids:
The time has come,
The time is now.
Just go, go, go!
I don’t care how.
Some of you are wondering why. Why am I so passionate about field trips? Why are they so important?
I'll give you six good reasons to go explore the wide, wide world.
1. You need a break from the daily grind.
Sometimes I need some spice and jazz. I need a break from the math-copywork-eat-clean-memorization routine. And so do my kids.
The chance to "get out and get the stink off" helps re-energize my vision and passion as a home educator.
2. Your children will watch your delight and surprise as you learn.
One thing I've noticed when we are on field trips is that my kids see me learning. They watch with careful eye as I ask questions, linger over an amazing art work, and keep my eyes and ears wide. This kind of learning is contagious. My kids catch some of my enthusiasm in these moments.
3. It stirs-up your kids' curiosity!
When kids are curious, they are unstoppable learners. I want to keep my kids curious. Field trips are one way to do this!
4. Get those piles of laundry and crusty dishes out of your face!
Once I leave the house, it is easier for me to be intentional and to focus on my boys for the day.
5. Make great memories.
When my children are grownup and my homeschool days are done, I will have all of these wonderful, adventurous, and sometimes funny field trip memories stored up in my heart.
6. Meet experts.
You'll meet naturalists, authors, paleontologist, artists, firefighters, actors, and musicians who are passionate about what they do. Sometimes this passion spills on to your student (or even you!).
Field trips are real life.
Going on ample field trips is one huge advantage of homeschooling. Reading a good book about a horse is great, but riding one or brushing one–even better! So get out there and go for it!
Homeschool Mom,
I don’t care how.
Homeschool Mom,
will you please go now?
If you're ready to tackle your next field trip adventure, check out these two posts:
I like what you said about field trips helping you take breaks from the daily grind. My wife and I want to make sure that our kids don’t burn out at school. We’ll be sure to look further into our option s for taking them on field trips in the future.