We found Hooray for Fish by Lucy Cousins at the library. Cousins used simple shapes and bright colors to design her fun fish. After reading the book, we wanted to create our own bright, fun fish!
Supplies for Fish Art Project
- Oil Pastels
- White Paper
- Pencil
- Scissors
- Construction Paper
- Glue Stick
Instructions for Fish Art Project
1. Choose a favorite fish from the book for inspiration.
2. Look for the basic shapes of the fish and draw them with a pencil on your white paper. Decide if you will use patterns (spots, stripes, hearts) and where.
3. Color in with oil pastels.
4. Outline the fish with a black oil pastel.
5. Cut out fish.
6. Glue fish to a piece of colored construction paper.
Hooray for Fish! Art Project Gallery
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These turned out so cute! What a fun idea! I love how bright and vivid the colors are.