Soon and very soon Homeschool Share will have its very own blog. Squeal!
A team of writers has been assembled, and the blog is being designed right now. Maybe even as I type this.
One of our features will be a monthly calendar that will help you match up resources, units, and lapbooks from HSS with current holidays and seasons. It will also help you to justify celebrating those wonderful days like National Chocolate Cupcake Day (not sure it exists, but it should). Celia (who has worked behind the scenes at Homeschool Share since the beginning) will be our researcher for this feature; she already did the work for October, so I could NOT let it go to waste even though it will be awhile before the blog is launched.
October's calendar download also includes a fall scavenger hunt page and a poem for copywork. Yippee! You can download the goodies by clicking on the calendar below. Enjoy!
I *LOVE* this! We were going to be studying Pablo Picasso in October and I didn’t even realize it was his birthday month! Thanks for all that you ladies do!
What a great download! Thank you for sharing!
fabulous job, ladies. we are very excited for National Chemistry week!
wow, you girls never cease to amaze, awesomeness…Lisa
Thanks! This is awesome! Tons of great ideas in one spot!