Did you really think I could go ten blog posts without printables? Holy withdrawal, Batman! I could never do that.
So, here are a few tools to get you going with delight directed studies! You can use these documents to create a small notebook for each of your students. It will serve as an idea bank as well as a place for record keeping and storing your planning forms. (I also keep reading lists in mine).
Simply click on the images to snag the files.
Download #1 ~ Curiosity Stirring Lists
My Questions ~ record your younger students questions on this page
Things That Make Me Wonder ~ your older student can record questions on this page
Things I Want to Learn About ~ your older student can record topics on this page (or you can record them for your younger student)
Ten Famous Places, Ten Places to Visit ~ these are to help your reluctant student determine some potential future topics for study
Download #2 ~ Record Keeping Forms
If you don't keep records of the places your student goes with his delight directed education, you might get a bad case of the we-haven't-done-enoughs. Here are some forms for you to document discoveries and adventures.
Download #3 ~ Planning Page
This form can be used to brainstorm ideas before a unit or to record things done during the unit. Older children should be involved in the planning process as much as possible (until they can plan independently!). Remember, not all studies need to be planned. This planner is most useful when your student wants to tackle a gigantic or broad topic (such as microscopes or The Civil War).
The planner includes seven different segments. The middle section is where the topic can be written. The other six sections are for resource ideas.
Read ~ include book titles, magazine titles, websites, newspapers, any written text
Research ~ topics your student wants to research at the library or on the internet
View ~ documentaries, videos, YouTube
Listen ~ audio books, storytelling CDs, music CDs, speeches
Go ~ places to go and people to meet
Do ~ experiments, project ideas, recipes to cook
Remember, the lists are simply idea lists not MUST DO lists.
Only two days left in this series. Tomorrow I will share about "a foundation education" and what academics I do require. The final day will be Questions & Answers, so please leave your questions in the comments section.
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The 10 Days Series is organized by iHomeschool Network, a collaboration of outstanding homeschool bloggers who connect with each other and with family-friendly companies in mutually beneficial projects. Visit us on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter. And of course, click the image below to visit all the 10 Days posts from these homeschool moms of the iHomeschool Network.
Thank you! We are trying to be more delight driven, especially as we transition into our summer break. These pages will help us alot!
I absolutely love to learn about your delight driven studies – I feel this would be such a good fit for my daughter as she transitions to more “formal” schooling. But it makes me nervous. I am also very curious to see what curriculum you use for a base – i.e. math (is that phrasing it correctly?) Perhaps you will cover that tomorrow in the foundation education…I’ve looked all over your blog – you have WONDERFUL information – thank you for all your work
Hi Ami,
I just so appreciate this series and your blog – boy do I see what a rut we’ve been in. I also wanted to thank you so much for Homeschool Share – I had no idea it was you who is responsible for that incredibly helpful site!
I do have a few more questions if you have the time to indulge me …
You mentioned a science notebook, could you tell us a bit about what’s in that?
And as Krystal (above) asked, for what subjects do you use actual curriculum? And are there any subjects where you plan the study totally yourself? For instance, do you have a history curriculum that you use, or do you wait for your kiddos to become interested in something historical? (Like the ancient egypt study from another post.)
I guess all that to get an idea of what your day/week looks like, as I’m thinking of maybe the mornings for the 3 Rs, 2 afternoons a week for their own interests, and then 1-2 afternoons a week for history (MY favorite part of homeschooling : ) ).
Thanks again for your refreshing blog! I already feel my heart lifting when thinking of next year’s school.
Much appreciation,
Holy withdrawal Batman. LOL!
I’m interested to see if I can use any of these forms to get more DELIGHTING into our school day. =)
Thank you so much for your encouragement and for so freely sharing your resources with all of us.