As we rowed Albert, Elijah completed a backyard bird notebook. We still have one more bird to add, but I thought I would go ahead and post pictures! 🙂 COVER PAGE CARDINAL ROBIN BLUE JAY MOURNING DOVE GOLDFINCH General Bird Information Page Many of the printables for this lap ~n~ notebook came from Homeschool Share. Albert Resoure […]
Backyard Bird Lap/Notebook
The Best Nest (more fun from Albert)
The lessons for this book (Albert) also suggest some clay-making. So, we did! Due to a recent find in our yard, Elijah decided to mold and make robin eggs instead of cardinal eggs. I think the end result turned out grand! Elijah’s nest The real nest!
Super Simple Nature Journal
We’re going to go E-A-S-Y this year with the nature journal. With young children, it’s more about getting outside and exploring than it is recording. It will be an educational experience; you don’t have to try to create one. (I’m talking to myself in case you are wondering!) The journal is not necessary. BUT I […]
Our nature walks these past few weeks have revealed one thing– Spring has finally sprung! Here is one of my favorite poems about spring (by Gerard Manley Hopkins) NOTHING is so beautiful as spring— When weeds, in wheels, shoot long and lovely and lush; Thrush’s eggs look little low heavens, and thrush Through the echoing […]
Armadillo Rodeo Notebook
We had a ton of WILD WILD WEST fun with this one! 🙂 We didn’t get science done on the day I had planned, so Jason helped out one (what a great dad!) night by reading a book about armadillos to Elijah; he also showed Elijah some video footage (online) about armadillos. When he was done, […]