iHomeschool Network is celebrating March birthdays this month! Who was Andrew Lang? What did he do? He is famous {at least in our home} for his fairy books: adventure knights thieves […]

Download Free Copywork for The Hobbit
Elijah snagged The Hobbit off the shelf last summer before I had the chance to put it on his required reading list. He loved it so much that he read it twice. Then went to the movie. Then started reading all the Tolkien he could find. I decided to create some copywork pages for him […]
Word Family Fun ~ /u/
Yippee! The last set of printables in this series of Words to Color. Here is the set for letter /u/. Word families include: -uck, -un, and -ug. Just click on the image to grab your free printables. In case you missed the other sets: Word Family Fun Letter /a/ Word Family Fun Letter /e/ Word […]
Word Family Fun ~ /o/
Another set of words to color to help your student learn to read! This set includes words for these short /o/ sound families: -ot, -op, and -og. Just click on the image to download your free printables! In case you missed the other sets: Word Family Fun Letter /a/ Word Family Fun Letter /e/ Word […]
Word Family Fun ~ /i/
Here are more words to color to help your student on the road to reading! This is the /i/ family and includes words for these combos: -ig, -in, -ip, and -it. Just click on the image below to download the printables. In case you missed the other two sets: Word Family Fun Letter /a/ Word […]
Word Family Fun ~ /a/
Don't fall over. Seriously. But I have a new blog post . . . a homeschooling blog post . . . a homeschooling blog post with printables! I can't tell you how normal (as in why-no-I'm-not-spending-twelve-hours-each-day-working-on-paperwork-redoing-paperwork-and-raising-funds-for-an-adoption) it feels to post this. I created these Word Family Fun: Words to Color printables for Simon. You can […]
Track Your Homeschool Year with This Printable Chart
Are you looking for an easy Homeschool Attendance Sheet? This post has several simple, free, printable attendance charts for you to choose for use in your homeschool. Why It’s Important to Keep a Record of Your Child’s Attendance Many states have laws about attendance for students, even homeschool students. You can homeschool laws by state […]
C. S. Lewis Quotes for Copywork
C.S. Lewis is one of the greats. I have long loved many of his writings and especially The Chronicles of Narnia. Here is a set of free copywork quotes by C.S. Lewis that I created for Elijah. You can grab the quotes by clicking on the image below. Looking for more FREE Copywork? Check out […]
Stone Soup! {and Printable Power}
January is National Soup Month! How did I know? The Homeschool Share January Calendar told me so. So, I skimmed through the lessons on Homeschool Share, and decided Simon and I would read and compare various versions, use the nutrition lesson, discuss food sources, talk about sharing (and honesty!), and measure/weigh fruits and vegetables. This is […]
Reading Challenges
Elijah wasn't born a bibliovore, but he quickly became one after his first reading challenge. I remember reading the first chapter or two of The Boxcar Children to Elijah and conveniently leaving the book out for him to snag, if he wanted. I spied him peeking at the next chapter and remember him finishing off […]
Color Grab Bag: Color Sight Words Game
I am still creating early literacy activities for Simon. This week I designed Color Grab Bag, an activity great for pre-readers and those learning sight words. This would also make a super easy preschool or kindergarten activity bag. You put nine crayons in a brown bag. The colors used are yellow, blue, green, red, orange, […]
Printable Power & Homeschool Share’s Remodel
My boys were gone last week, so I turned my attention to Homeschool Share. I think things over there need spiffed up, so I took some time to reformat, repackage, and revise. Some of the units and lapbooks are now packed together in one file, enabling you to download it all with just one click! […]
Spiders Printables for Kindergarten
We've been nature studying our way through the Spectacular Spiders NaturExplorer Unit. Since Simon was so intrigued by these eight-legged crawlies, I made him a simple kindergarten kit. You can download the spider printables by clicking on the image below. You can find some fun spider school ideas on my Pinterest Board.