BOB Books are our fantastic for readers who are just starting their phonics journeys.
Because I love BOB Books so much, I decided to create a set of BOB Books Printables for my son to use as he worked his way through the books.
These printable activity pages are for parents who want to give their children interactive fun at home. Each printable set includes activities that will keep children engaged and interested in learning new words and new reading skills.
You can find my entire collection of BOB Books Printables here.
Learn to Read with BOB Books
If you are looking for an easy set of books for your beginning reader, try BOB Books, Set 1: Beginning Readers. You will need this set of books in order to use the printables provided at the end of this post.
This post includes a set of activity pages for one of the little books found in this set, Book 4: Mac.
Is My Child Ready for BOB Books?
This beginning reader is easy to read.
Your child will need to know the letter sound for B to read the words found in this book.
Here are a few sample sentences from BOB Books Set 1, Book 4, Mac:
- Mac had a bag.
- Mag had a rag.
- Mac can tag Mag.
BOB Books Printables for Set 1, Book 4: Mac
What printable activities are included in the download? The download includes these BOB Book worksheets for your student:
- Alphabet Coloring Page for: B
- Tally Mark Words (your student will count the words in the book and make tally marks on the pages provided)
- Word Find
- Words to Type
When your student masters this book, grab the progress chart. Color in the bone with the number four on it.
Supplies Needed to Complete the BOB Books Activities
I tried to keep the prep and supplies minimal for you for these activities.
For this book, you will need the following:
- Crayons
- A keyboard for your student to type on
Download the BOB Books Printables
Simply click on the link below to snag your free set of BOB Books printables.
<< Download BOB Book Printables for Set 1 Book 4 >>
More BOB Books Printables
You can find more BOB Books Printables on my main page and at these other blogs:
Happy BOB-booking and happy reading!
I am amazed at quickly my son has started reading at 4 years old with using the BOB books along with these printables. Thank you SO much. I use all of the printables from each of the blog hosts. What an amazing job you have done. I am truly thankful!!
You are so very welcome!! š
I love these! They are great & just what is neede to work with the Bob Books! HOWEVER, I can't get any of the links for Set 1 Book 1 – 6 to work. Is there a way you can fix this & notify me when they are availble to download again! Thanks so much! I am looking forward to hearing from you!
The links are fixed.