We don't know when we will get a referral. So . . . we don't know when we will travel, but we do know that we will be in Colombia for almost two months. We will need something to do!
I'm a resourceful person. I could probably turn some used water bottles and pipe cleaners into a game of ring toss, but I don't know that ring toss is going to keep five children happy for more than a few hours.
So, I've been researching. And researching. And I have made a big list of possibilities. I'm not so much a thing-person, but I am all about saving my sanity. Five kids + 1 woman + foreign country + 8 weeks = I will buy things to play with.
I'm looking for things that meet this criteria:
1. Small, flat, or portable. At least for the most part.
2. Items that can be toted on the airplane and to appointments.
3. Toys I like to play with. Based on the reading I've done, our little kids may or may not know how to play. Simon, Elijah, and I will probably be teaching them what play is, so I need to make sure I have some things I like to do!
Elijah loves to read. Simon loves to listen to audio books. The Kindle is one snazzy device can keep my boys busy for days and weeks. On the plane, in an office, in a car, and in a hotel room. It's at the tippy-top of my list.
Books for Littles
I am working hard to learn Goodnight Moon in Spanish. I purchased the book with the CD so I could listen to it over and over and over again. Once I have it mastered, I am going to work on The Runaway Bunny (in Spanish also). I also have Brown Bear, Brown Bear (in Spanish), and I think it will be pretty easy to learn.
If our referral is for a toddler or preschooler, I will be taking some Indestructibles (super flat, super easy to pack!).
They don't have words, but they are indestructible (even through attempted rips and chewing!). And I like that. And I love the artwork. It's bright and fun and there are lots of beautiful brown-skinned people in Old McDonald Had a Farm and Mary Had a Little Lamb.
Boogie Board
When my boys were little, they had Magna Doodles, but we will be taking this grown-up version with us for our travels. Doodle, doodle, doodle. And never waste one piece of paper. We love it so much that we might even buy two. You can even buy a case for it. Perfect.
Magnetic Slate
For the littles. Better than a Magna Doodle. Thinner than a Magna Doodle! Cheaper than a Magna Doodle at just $3.95 each from Rainbow Resource.
And a chubby fingered toddler might enjoy scribbling on the Elephant Doodle Pro.
I like puzzles. Something about them. They keep the brain from withering away in this digital age and are good for fine motor skills, too.
For the big boys I found 100 piece Crocodile Creek Travel Pouch Puzzles for under $6. I purchased two. This is something they can do together or alone.
For younger kiddos (ages 2-4), Mudpuppy makes 12 piece puzzles that come in zippered pouches.
I also found this Melissa and Doug Animals Mini-Puzzle Pack for $9. They are wooden and small and fit in one compact wooden storage case that's 5 x 7 inches. Terrific for travel. I tested it on a toddler and preschooler, four thumbs up!
LEGO Creator Sets (ages 6+)
I seriously tremble a bit when I think of Elijah and Simon without their LEGO bricks. I decided I would buy them each a LEGO Creator set before we head off. You can build at least three things from each set with instructions, and the sky is the limit without instructions.
Sea Turtle
We will be packing our Colorback Sea Turtle (ages 2-4, but older children may enjoy it, too) for our trip. It's all one piece, and I love that. Great for the airplane. It also promotes tracking, color matching, and fine motor skills. {I'm not an educational toy junkie or anything.}
Lauri Toddler Tote (ages 2-5) or Lauri Primer Pack (ages 3-6)
Perfectly portable! My boys loved them some Lauri when they were toddlers and preschoolers. We have a stash already (in case we adopt a little), but I thought I would include this for those of you who don't know about the magic that is Lauri.
Sarah's Playsilks (ages 3+)
Sarah's playsilks are a cinch to pack, and they bring out creative, imaginative play. We will definitely be throwing a few of these into a suitcase. Play "peek-a-boo" or "hide and find" with a young child. Become a princess or dragon-slayer. Make a flag or use as a tablecloth for tea. The possibilities are truly endless.
Magneticbook Crazy Face (ages 3+)
I like this because it can span a lot of ages. It also encourages youngers to mimic the pattern (another good educational toy!). I found tons of reusable sticker sets while researching, but I couldn't find a good review. Magnets trump stickers. They just do. The best price I've found for this is at Timberdoodle ~ $13.50.
Dress Up Mice Wooden Toy Set
Would this not be the most fun for little girl? It's compact (10 inches x 5 inches x 2 inches), but it contains two wooden mice and eight outfits. So sweet.
Playgo My First Stacking Cups (ages 1-6)
Fun with dirt, water, sand, or just stacking, counting, and nesting. They all fit together to save on packing space.
Punch out more than 60 fantastic playthings: ring-toss game, finger puppets, a zoo of animals, and more! This one book can provide hours and hours of playtime.
HABA Game Tins
I am addicted to these. Great game in a little tin. I didn't understand how they could be great if they were so little (not much bigger than an Altoid tin), but they are. We own the Mini-Memo (memory game), and I love that I can throw it in my purse and pull it out at any time. Simon and Elijah play a lot of our games together, and I love that we will be able to take games with us without using much space.
I found the best selection and prices at JulieStuff. Our favorites are Animal Yahtzee and Checkers. I also have my eye on Mini-Orchard and Caterpillar Dice Game.
Melissa and Doug Magnetic Games
Go fishing and practice taking turns, promotes fine motor skills, and a dose of magnet fun. This company makes different variations of this game including a Bug Catching Game and a Magnetic Tow Game.
If you are taking a regular family vacation, this next list may or may not apply to you. I plan on overloading on the consumable stuff. Jason can help me get it there, and then whatever is left we can leave with another adoptive family or at the adoption hotel for future families.
Shaving Cream
Oh yes. I'm an old pro! I'll be packing it along with our scrapers. You can also use a pack of combs from the dollar store to make fun lines.
The soft packs probably travel better since they are flat. If you don't want to pay the extra price, just buy regular Play-doh and throw it in some sturdy Ziplocs. Add in a few cookie cutters, rolling pins (PVC pipe, anyone?), scissors, and some pieces of plastic ware. Good to go.
The word JUMBO and travel don't tend to go together, but they are flat, consumable, appealing to a variety of ages, and super nice (printed on bright white paper).
Jumbo Coloring Pad Princess & Fairy
Pipe Cleaners
Yes! Bracelets, crowns, animals, glasses, flowers. Even a toddler can string some Cheerios or buttons on pipe cleaners. They wiggle and wrap and they are just fun.
Alex Toys Giant Pipe Cleaner Party
Twisted Critters: The Pipe Cleaner Book
Painter's Tape
I think a lot of children could be entertained by ripping and sticking tape. Painter's tape seems like the best option since it isn't super sticky. This may be saved as a secret weapon on the plane ride home.
Sidewalk Chalk
Scratch Art Portable Light Box
Make stained glass artwork on the go! Too much fun! (ages 4-15)
Crayola Color Wonder Travel Kit
Want art without the mess or on the airplane? Try Crayola's Color Wonder Travel Kit.
Other Supplies
I also plan to hit the back to school sale this year and grab washable markers, Prang watercolors, colored pencils, and crayons. I just don't think you can do enough art!
Just for Fun
Plastic junk has never been my friend, but I have a feeling we may need to get acquainted. These things might add some spice to our outdoor play . . .might keep our kids running and jumping more . . . which might equal more sleep!
Gertie Ball
Gertie balls pack flat, store flat, and are great for all ages.
Beach Balls
Hello, dollar store! Take minimal packing space, but once you blow them up, you have a big hit!
Balloon Tennis
With very few supplies you could create something like this balloon tennis game!
Fidget Toys
We first found these wooden puzzle fidgets at Cracker Barrel many years ago while on a road trip. If you have a hard time sitting still, this little booger is addictive. (ages 5-99)
There are so many variations of fidget toys that will keep small hands busy!
Tangle (ages 5+)
Skwish (3 months – 24 months)
Wiggling Worm Grasping Toy (6-36 months)
Playable Art Ball (ages 3-99)
Did your favorite travel toys make my list? What would you add?
This is a fantastic list Ami! One of my boys favorites are Jacob’s Ladder. http://www.amazon.com/Toysmith-6195-Jacobs-Ladder/dp/B000RAEBL2/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1368555859&sr=8-3&keywords=Jacob%27s+Ladder
You can pack them flat and even Justin at almost 12 enjoys playing with them! Check your Dollar Store if you have one. They sometimes carry them!
I have saved a few of your ideas for my boys for Christmas AND for our Operation Christmas Child Boxes!
Oh yes! I forgot about our Lauri puzzles and pegs. They have been well-loved in our house for years. I love that they will replace lost pieces too. Great list!
Incredible! You have so many great ideas. The not so sticky painter’s tape would be excellent for mapping out roads for a town on the floor … throw in a few matchbox cars, and use tissue/ cereal boxes for buildings (your big boys may be allowed to decorate them with a permanent marker).