Yesterday Elijah saw his Alice in Wonderland stickers and announced that he really wanted to do an Alice in Wonderland Lapbook (we read the book a few months ago). I gave him my reference lapbook and told him to tell me what he wanted. He decided on a few things, and we went to work. I didn’t know he would want to complete the entire lapbok in TWO DAYS.
He was stubborn about some of the types of minit books he wanted. I couldn’t believe it. I suggested a wheel for the Caucus Race, but he was determined that it should be a pop-up, and that I needed to copy the image from the book we read for the pop-up. He wanted another pop-up for the pig, a layer for the drink/cake, and a wheel for the Queen of Hearts so he could list "all kinds of things about her." He also wanted to include the Father William poem. I finally stopped suggesting things until he was stumped…then I did help out a bit with the endless decisions.
I can’t say that my son learned anything new while completing this project. That’s hard for me to think about. I don’t think this fits with any of the standards of learning lists I’ve seen. BUT…creative thinking, creative expression, and learning to love a story and wanting to share that with others…well, those things rank pretty high on my list.
Mad and Mad Split Matchbook
explains that mad means crazy and angry
Eat/Drink Layer (from when Alice first arrives in Wonderland)
Getting to Wonderland (Elijah INSISTED that we make her fall somehow – insert crazy face)
Caucus Race Pop-up
Favorite Characters Shutterfold
Back of Lapbook (Elijah also colored the caterpillar and added it)
Resources we used
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Mini-books (not all are in the file)
Alice in Wonderland Sticker Activity Book (Dover Little Activity Books)
Alice in Wonderland Stained Glass Coloring Book (Dover Little Activity Books)
I don’t know if you’ll see this comment because it’s from an older post. But if you do please know how wonderful I think this lapbook is, even if it doesn’t fall into the guidelines of units to study. Any time a child/or adult falls in love with a story and wants to share it is great, for him to be so insistent on how things were in his lapbook shows that he’s got a solid foundation for a lifetime of loving reading and he’s off to a great start. Alice in Wonderland is one of my all time favorite books, I have a few antique copies of the original Through the Looking Glass and the more modern Disney versions as well. My Grandmother was named Alice, she had 6 children and spent so much time doing laundry for her family that she got the nickname “Alice in Laundry Land” she was an amazing person, a great mother and a wonderful Grandmother. She passed away of cancer in December 2007 but will never leave us fully. To this day I have grand plans for our laundry room once we have a bigger one in a bigger house, I plan on painting the whole room in an Alice theme and know that will make doing laundry a little less “boring.” You’re doing a great job with your boys and I’m gathering so many ideas for my daughters homeschooling preschool this year.
Good morning,
I just wanted to thank you for freely sharing your wonderful resources. Our family will be making many wonderful lapbooks this school year because of your generosity.
Many blessings,
(mom to 7 beautiful children)