Meet Star-Striker–the inspiration for this week’s delight-directed study.
Jason found it, the boys named it, and I grabbed Pet Bugs in a Jar to figure out how to house it.
Elijah observed this guy for awhile and decided he wanted to learn more, so I printed off some of the Praying Mantis lapbook from HSS and made him a three-day guide to give him some focus during his study time.
Elijah’s decided that praying mantids are AMAZING creatures (because they are)!
Here are a few pictures of opened books in the lapbook.
Here is Elijah’s mantis drawing.
We don’t have any books about these interesting insects, but Elijah did use a few of our resources along with the lapbook including DK Encylopedia of Animals and Ralph Masiello’s Bug Drawing Book. I also included a few websites and videos in the guide I made for him.
You do such cool lapbooks! I love your blog BTW and I have a blog award for you! It’s posted at
What fun! I remember when we did praying mantises. It was really neat learning about them.