I like to be in the background. Not because I'm this amazingly humble person; it's just that I'm not an all-out-there kind of gal. I like a low profile. I never even tell some of my homeschooling friends about this blog or my secret operation. Incognito is fine with me.
So, I don't usually do these kinds of posts, but I've been blogging for 7 years now. Maybe it's time you learn a few of my secrets.
1. My name, on my birth certificate, is spelled Amy. In Jr. High school I had some kind of name crisis (there were only 972 other girls with the same name in our county), and my mom told me to change the spelling. I did. It stuck. So now I'm Ami. Unless I'm signing a legal document.
2. I was a bad little girl! I got in trouble often at school. I was always losing recess or being spanked for something: not completing homework, being impulsive (throwing things at people I didn't like), reading instead of doing my math worksheet, laughing during music class, talking during art class, not completing my sentences, getting three check marks by my name, and on it goes.
Bad girl gone good (by God's grace). That's my story.
3. My socks {almost} never match. Here's the thing: I don't have the time or drive to be a professional sock-matcher. And really. Really. Who cares?
4. I love to listen to the same song over-and-over-and-over again. It drives everyone in this house insane. But I love it.
5. I don't keep a calendar. No homeschool planner. No blog planner. No watch. Nothing. While I'm on a no-roll: No cell phone. No texting. No television. Yep.
6. My neighbors can't stand me. Jason says everyone likes me. This isn't the case with the folks next door. They claim I murdered their beloved 30-year-old lilac bush last summer with my all natural weed killer. I don't think I did. Even though I apologized through tears, they reminded me about 20 times before they stopped talking to me altogether. Now they just glare at me. {I hide from them.}
7. I am random. I am easily distracted. I'm living the If-You-Give-A-Mouse-A-Cookie life. I usually have 50 tabs/windows open at one time on my two monitors. However, I also have the ability to focus on one project for a very.long.time. Like sit at the computer and work on one project and not get up to pee or eat or anything for 8 hours. It's a strange life to live.
8. At any given time I may have 6 empty cups or water bottles on my desk. Drives Jason crazy. That's probably why I do it. Speaking of Jason, here's a hidden fun fact for ya: we met online in 1998.
9. I don't love top ten lists. I mean, really. What if I don't have ten? Do I just make something up? What if I have more than ten? Combine two? I rarely, if ever, actually have ten. I just fake it.
Loved this post, Ami. I would love to meet you in person and be friends. You are a hoot! š
I don't have a homeschool planner or calendar either. I just can't do them. There will be so many things left undone that I just don't bother writing them down.
Ticia, I haven’t seen it, but at least I know I’m ready for an alien invasion! I am a be-prepared kind of girl!
Oh, I can so relate to those cups (mine are all over my nightstand since I work on my laptop in bed after my kiddos are down and I'm too tired to be upright another minute) and also to the gobs of open tabs. My husband is constantly telling me that my computer would be so much faster if I'd just close the 100+ tabs I have open! (See you aren't so bad!) And I don't know why, but it is refreshing and encouraging to know I'm not the only one! Thanks for sharing, and thanks for keepin' it real! š
Good Morning. We are wondering if we could use some of your suggestions on your web page in a Christian school that we have opened in Cape Sable Island, Nova Scotia, Canada. We have 55 students this year and are struggling to have a health curriculum that is academically sound and Christian/Biblically based. Thought we could take some of your suggestions and work with them. We just wanted to make sure that was all right.
Thank you,
Cheryl Devine
Principal, Oceanview Christian Academy
Yes, that’s fine. š