This post is sponsored by my favorite homeschool convention, Great Homeschool Conventions. This post also contains an affiliate link.
The last five Great Homeschool Conventions I've attended have all been with my sweet friends. We have laughed together (thank you, Todd Wilson!). We have cried together (thanks to Mark Hamby). We've been encourage, educated, and equipped together. Each weekend has been a priceless adventure.
Here are a few tips from me and my girlfriends to help you have a great weekend at convention.
Start the Party Early
Ride to the event together to save on gas and to gain more time together! In the past, my friends and I have laughed our way to convention by popping a Tim Hawkins video in the DVD player.
Pick a Planner
Every group has one! Ask your "planner" to book the hotel, to split the costs and collect the money, and to map out area restaurants before your trip. Once you've all chosen your workshops, sit down a decide where you will eat and when. Don't feel guilty if you skip a workshop. One amazing thing about Great Homeschool Conventions is that there are a bazillion to choose from! It's okay to skip one (or two!) and hang-out with your friends.
Be Early Birds
Give yourself the chance to breathe a bit. Workshops start on Thursday evening, so get there Thursday afternoon. Check into your hotel, get your registration packets, and then do nothing. It's wonderful!
Break the Rules
Your kids aren't watching, so skip lunch or dinner just once and head to one of the restaurants for dessert instead.
Divide and Conquer
Sometimes you'll want to be in two places at once. Ask your friends if anyone is going to one of the workshops you really wanted to go to. Later, be sure and grab her notes and share yours as well.
Back at the Hotel
Bring snacks to share in the hotel room. Have a PJ Night and play Bananagrams, Dutch Blitz or watch the most hilarious YouTube vidoes you can find! If your group is large, you may want to have a designated "lights out" time. After all, moms need their beauty rest, too.
Birds of a Feather, Shop Together
Shop together in the exhibition hall. Bounce ideas off each other. Share good deals with one another. And don't let each other make drastic mistakes.
Laugh It Up
I love that Great Homeschool Conventions offers comedy night. Go enjoy the stress relief while making a funny memory with your friends.
Find other tips for attending conventions as well as reasons to go at the iHomeschool Network link-up!
Great tips. Last year I attended an away convention with a friend it was so much fun, we are doing it again this year.