I've had words in the past. Words that I hoped would shape my year, give me focus. Words God used to shape me. Strong words.
This year my word is a simple preposition–leaving the before and after to be written.
Lord, I need x-ray vision– the ability to see beyond the present circumstance, the temporary annoyance, the overwhelming task, the stinging pain. Beyond myself. Beyond my desires. To embrace the blessing of the moment, to see through the lens of your purpose, to be filled up with light.
2012 ~ beyond
love it! I have been studying the word “flesh” in the NT and it has been wonderful! (ie, how not to respond to every day life in the flesh, but responding in the opposite Spirit-fruits of the Spirit) So after my study of “flesh” I am going to study “Spirit” -spirit filled-fruit of the spirit actions!
xoxoxo — sometimes its just all we can do to understand one word!